BALTIMORE, MD - This year is the 50th anniversary of Hip-Hop culture in the black community. The Baltimore Museum of the Art has an exhibit currently featured that showcases contemporary art over the 21st century. There are more than 90 pieces of art being shown.

CREDIT : Mikayla Perry. Outside of The Baltimore Museum of Art “The Culture” Exhibit
There are different forms of hip-hop in black culture ranging from clothing, slang, music, and much more. With the many forms of hip-hop are what is said to be the most common forms, such as the streetwear and music. There are no other culture’s imaginable where men wore oversized jean shorts past the knees and 3x polos where the individual wore a size medium. There are many aspects of fashion that screams black culture in all its glory.
I spoke to people in the black community about the impacts of hip-hop, considering the different forms of hip-hop being featured in the museum. Morgan State University students Kelsi Jones and Arielle Dickerson says that music and fashion are the most contributing factors to hip-hop in the black community. "Um I think it’s just really evolved over the years, um, you know like we have 90s hip hop and that was something that was like so revolutionary I think with Tupac and Biggie” says Jones. Like streetwear is like a huge part of hip-hop culture in my opinion, so…” said Dickerson.
Akua Bandele-Asante says that fashion is big in the black community and it's a part of cultural representation. “Um definitely see a lot of fashion that takes from um hip-hop overall, um I think different clothing and uh the way you wear it, the way you use accessories, so I think fashion is a big part” said Bandele-Asante. The museum featured art that was made with objects very known to the black community such as durags, grills and large chains.
The museum captures the essence of hip-hop very beautifully, so we can really appreciate its role in our lives. The museum has had large amounts of visitors and is receiving lots of love from locals. The exhibit will be leaving July 16th which is the cause of the high amounts of traffic in and out of the showing.
By, Mikayla Perry
Contributions: The Baltimore Museum of Art
Photo: Mikayla Perry
Video: Kendrick Lamar
Video: Mikayla Perry