BALTIMORE, MD- The HBCU Sports Summit team had the honor of collaborating with The Baltimore Orioles to coordinate a memorable event catered to HBCU excellence and culture. The sports summit team was able to feature Meac Commissioner Stills as well as Siac Commissioner Holoman. However, the greatness doesn't stop there. Each of the presidents of the historically black universities that were in attendance was able to shine at the HBCU village at the stadium.

CREDIT : Mikayla Perry, Meac, HBCU Sports Summit | The Baltimore Orioles
The Orioles Stadium transformed into HBCU central as The Orioles faced off the Boston Red Sox in a legendary game that had the fans on their toes. This night was about giving back to the HBCUs and showing immense appreciation. Higher ups and students alike were able to represent their schools in style as they glorified HBCU excellence. The village featured pop up tables for each school where people could come speak to alumni and obtain information about the school. Not only was the night about having fun, it was also about what HBCUs provide the black and brown community that other institutions cannot provide.
HBCUs provide us with the resources and support needed to survive in the real world as black and brown people. They provide us with crazy, amazing, life experiences that we can look back on and tell stories about. That is how HBCU legacies live on, which is why events like these are so important. As black people, we see everyday life through a different lense. Everything affects us a certain way that may not necessarily be understood by other people. These certain aspects of life are understood within the black and brown community, especially on an HBCU campus. We spoke to HBCU student Sebastian Taylor about his experiences being at an HBCU. "I love the ability to go to school with people who look like me and are from similar backgrounds as me" said Taylor. "The opportunities you have at Morgan, you wouldn't have at like bigger schools. For example, being apart of the media team. I wouldn't necessarily get that if I went to like Nebraska or Wisconsin."
Most of us can agree that we learn better in comfortable settings. Research shows that black students are 33% more likely to graduate at an HBCU than at non-HBCUs. Not only do our students succeed better in environments with people that look like them, but PWIs culture and campus lifestyle is inspired by HBCUs. That speaks volumes for the abstract principles in our community, we want our people to not only win but have the time of their lives doing so. Aspects that will forever be apart of HBCU culture include homecoming, fraternities and sororities, stroll competitions, tailgates and much more. The college experience at an HBCU is surreal. It creates some of life's most precious moments and friendships. HBCUs are also known to create magical love stories. Our HBCU schools will continuously be relevant to the community and the world at large.
Representation will forever and always matter. It carries on family history, stories and legacies through the generations. Representation is all about campus traditions that go on forever. Representation is about the intellectual growth across the campus. Representation is about uplifting our black and brown brothers and sisters who make a difference. Representation such as our mothers, fathers, hbcu alum, professional athletes and much more. Schools like Baltimores own Morgan State University, desires to become a top research institution. Morgan State University is already en route to academic excellence as the school offers more than 140 academic programs. This provides students with astounding collegiate diversity. “We have no desire to be the largest institution,” says Morgan State University President David Wilson. “We just simply want to be the best.” What better place to experience academic excellence than at an HBCU?

CREDIT : Mikayla Perry, HBCU Sports Summit | The Baltimore Orioles
By, Mikayla Perry
Contributions: The Baltimore Orioles, HBCU Sports Summit
Photo: Mikayla Perry
Photo: Mikayla Perry